Tuesday, September 23, 2008


It's the crushing weight
Which pins me to the floor
I just lay here, hopeless
Unsure where to begin
A myriad of options but
Not the wisdom to decide
So I lay here still, wondering

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Spark

It's there, just below
The surface, no one
Else can see it but me
The spark that ignites
When I'm close to you
When we kiss, that spark
Smolders between us

Monday, September 1, 2008


They come in the twilight hours
Shadowy fingers stretch across
Irrational fears emerge in the
Minds of children snug in their beds
Adults laugh off such things
Protected by their florescent lights
The busy modern life where fears
Are medicated into nonexistence
Modern man is not immune
Primal man is still within, that
Is where the fear lurks, waiting